UniKidz Bentinck
This location provides after-school care.
UniKidz Bentinck is located in Amsterdam West. You will find our location in elementary school De Catamaran This elementary school has an Ecumenical character with emphasis on science & technology and art & culture, where the vision and activity program of UniKidz fits well.
Activities play a major role within UniKidz. Through our activities, children are encouraged to discover and further develop their talents.
FitKidz focuses on sports and exercise. The children are introduced to numerous sports and exercise activities.
SkillsKidz is all about making and creating. In other words, getting creative with your hands in the studio, the theater or the cooking studio.
SoulKidz focuses on culture, yoga, theater and dance.
With MindKidz, children gain insight into how things work and are created in the special STEAM Makerspace,
But off-site activities are also offered on a structural basis. Your swimming certificate? Exactly, get it at UniKidz. Horseback riding? Sure, at UniKidz. We work closely with entrepreneurs, sports clubs, associations and residents in the neighborhood.

UniKidz Bentinck
- Bentinckstraat 78
1051 GN Amsterdam - 085 - 580 7030
- informatie@unikidz.nl
- Opening hours
- Mon 14:00 - 18:30
- Tue 14:00 - 18:30
- Wed 14:00 - 18:30
- Thu 14:00 - 18:30
- Fri 14:00 - 18:30
- Sat Closed
- Sun Closed
Meet our enthusiastic team at UniKidz Bentinck!

- Locatiemanager Staatslieden & Zeehelden
- Sport- en bewegingsleider & Pedagogisch medewerker BSO
- Teamleider Bentinck