UniKidz Parklaan
From the beginning of 2025, this location offers after-school care for children between 4 and 12 years old.
After-school care UniKidz Parklaan in Katwijk aan Zee is a beautiful new UniKidz location with plenty of opportunities for children aged 4 to 12. Curious about this location? Then ask for a no-obligation tour! The doors of this location will open in early 2025.
UniKidz has set up experience boxes for the four development areas. You can do sports at FitKidz on the sports fields, theater and dance at SoulKidz, SkillsKidz in the atelier, and MindKidz in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics) Makerspace box. But activities are also offered on a structural basis outside the company's own location. Your swimming diploma? Exactly, you can get it at UniKidz. Horse riding? Sure, at UniKidz. We work closely with entrepreneurs, sports clubs, associations and residents in the area. Does your child also want to discover and develop their talents? Then register quickly at UniKidz Katwijk Parklaan!

UniKidz Parklaan
- Parklaan 118
2225 SW Katwijk aan Zee - 085 - 580 7034
- informatie@unikidz.nl
- Opening hours
- Mon 14:15 - 18:30
- Tue 14:15 - 18:30
- Wed 14:15 - 18:30
- Thu 14:15 - 18:30
- Fri 14:15 - 18:30
- Sat Closed
- Sun Closed
Below we introduce to you our enthusiastic team at UniKidz Parklaan!
- Teamleider Orion
- Pedagogisch medewerker BSO

- Pedagogisch medewerker BSO